Alpha Testing

Current State

As we've promised to deliver, our early alpha testing of CharacterConnect is now available to try out. Thanks to the hard dedication of our team, CharacterConnect's early access is now multiplayer compatible as shown in our demo. For this demo, we've unfortunately disabled various features such as leaderboards, however we hope to have them ready by full release in several months time.'

With the alpha release of our game, we hope you, our players will be able to support us by testing out the available functionality and giving feedback. If you encounter any issues, please get in touch with us.

What's to Come

Within the following months, we hope to build on the game to give players a more engaging and challenging experience by introducing additional gameplay features. These elements will be introduced in the coming months in hopes of making games more dynamic and competitive. Our next milestone is to give players the opportunity to establish their own identities in the game through registration of accounts, to foster an interactive community.