Our Future

All things said, our website is still being development. We hope to polish it as progress towards the game is being made, where further content will be included as features become fleshed out. Additional game rules be added as new game modes are developed in later development patches, not to mention our Devblog which we will update on a monthly basis. As of right now, the website is only supported by desktop web browsers, however we’re aiming for mobile compatibility in the foreseeable future. As mentioned earlier, our current plan is to release an alpha version of Character Connect within the following month for our players to test. Right now, our frontend and backend developers are working hard in implementing core features for the classic version including core gameplay and chat functionality. We won’t go into future updates too much, as they’ll be revealed in upcoming posts, however we do have several plans for additional game modes, including both single player, on-board power-ups, and perks.